Our Initiatives

SecureMe : Help & Get Help

A SecureMe app which monitors surroundings unusual noises (mic), erratic movements (using accelerometer movements) to identify panic situations. Once panic is identified then it triggers SOS to predefined numbers and start capturing location, pictures and audio recordings, which will be uploaded to cloud.

Exclusive features:

1) Near by users will get notified for emergency rescues requirement.

2) Location will be broadcasting to nearby users for immediate actions.

Status: Live in Private mode


This venture will bring clarity for giver to understand the need of each beggar and thus help the beggar get opportunity to improve their life. It quantify the donation and usage to understand the underlying realities of the current system.

eCoin are virtual currency which needs to be either purchased and will be traded by beggar against food/medicines/services/items at authorized centers. We have plan to capture a fixed fee on every transactions. Some of the transactions can be sponsored to help us to sustain and grow.

Status: Yet to develop


CHAKSHU app is a unique empowering tool for citizens, especially the young volunteers, to help children begging on streets or doing menial works on the road-side shops. The Socio Apps Foundation with the help of its volunteer network collects the child photos through the Chakshu website and post the same on Facebook Lost and Found page. Our unique software algorithm finds a close match usingthe uploaded photos on Lost data base and Found database. It also considers the recent trends in movements of children to ascertain the possible movements of missing children. And as soon as there is a match we send an alert to the family member, volunteer who posted the photo together with notification to the law enforcement agencies for quick action. In this one of its kind project, theproject CHAKSHU is helping unfortunate kids to find their way back to their homes.

Status : Under Development